Profile and Cover image upload guidelines

Please see below the guidelines you must follow when you are uploading your Profile and Cover image.

Profile/Avatar rules

  • Your Profile/Avatar photo should not contain nudity. All intimate parts of your body should be covered.
  • The image needs to represent the actual performer or a performer’s body part
  • The image must not contain minors. All performers appearing on this site must be at least 18 years old.
  • The image must not contain prohibited content. Please refer to for more information.
  • The image must not contain copyrighted content with watermarks (logos).

Cover image Rules

  • The image needs to represent the actual performer or performer’s body part.
  • The image must not contain minors. All performers appearing on this site must be at least 18 years old.
  • The image should not contain explicit nudity. All intimate parts of the model’s body should be covered.
  • The image must not contain prohibited content. Please refer to  for more information.
  • The image must not contain copyrighted content with watermarks (logos).