Payment status

We have 5 statuses for our payments so that our models/studios can easily follow up the progress of each of their payouts.

Waiting – Every Monday morning all eligible payouts are generated and the Waiting status is set until the payment is processed. If the model/studio changes the payment details during Waiting status, the payout will be rejected and the payment will be moved to the next week.

Processing – Payment is submitted and is in the processing stage from the provider of your chosen payment method.

Paid – Once we submit the amount to be paid through your chosen payment method, it is marked as Paid.

Rejected – this status is set when the payout is rejected before being paid. There are two possible causes of payout rejection:

  • Changing the payout settings on Monday or Tuesday, right before the payment date.
  • Entering invalid payment details.

You can check the reason for rejection in the tooltip next to the “rejected” status of your payment, in your “Payment history” page.

Reversal – if the status is marked as reversal, it means that the payout was reversed after being paid.