Technical requirements for uploading videos and images

Photos, other images, and videos that you upload must meet our technical requirements. This means having a specific format, size, and resolution.

Avatar (main photo) requirements

Your avatar represents you as a model on Strip4Free. It is a round image that you and other users can see on your profile page, in chat, etc. An avatar can be called a profile image.

Format, size, and resolution requirements for an avatar are as follows:

  • JPG or PNG formats
  • <10 MB in size
  • 200 x 200 min resolution
  • 800 x 800 max resolution

Note that your avatar must meet our content rules.

Background image requirements

A background image is displayed at the top of your profile page. It can be either a photo or a video. If you upload a video as your background, it must be <10 GB in size.

How do you stop Strip4Free cropping background images? Avoid portrait/vertical images. Use horizontal images with a proper aspect ratios, which are:

  • about 390 x 204 max resolution for mobile devices
  • about 1892 x 364 max resolution for full HD (1080p) screen
  • about 1920 x 364 max resolution for 2K screen

Cover image requirements

A cover image is displayed on your broadcasting screen while you’re offline. Make it interesting so that users will wait for you to go online.

Format, size, and resolution requirements for a cover image are as follows:

  • JPG or PNG formats
  • <10 MB in size
  • 400 x 400 min resolution
  • 2000 x 2000 max resolution

Note that your cover image must meet our content rules.

Document photos/scans requirements

To verify your account, you must upload photos or document scans to Strip4Free. Read more about how to verify your profile in this article.

Format, size, and resolution requirements for document photos / scans are as follows:

  • JPG or PNG formats
  • <10 MB in size
  • 500 x 500 min resolution

Requirements for photos in albums, private chats, etc.

You can upload photos to albums or send them to your fans in mass messages. Read more about how to send paid mass messages in this article.

Format, size, and resolution requirements for these photos are as follows:

  • JPG or PNG formats
  • <10 MB in size
  • 100 x 100 min resolution
  • 3840 x 3840 max resolution

Requirements for videos in albums, private chats, background videos, etc

  • The video should be in one of the following formats: MP4MOVMPEG.
  • Videos can be up to 1.5-2 GB in size. 
  • Codec – H264

Requirements for a video teaser

  • The video should be 15-60 seconds long
  • Formats: MP4MOVMPEG, MPG, MKV